Jesus had was on a mission when he entered Jerusalem for the last time during his earthly ministry. The crowds were shouting "Hosanna". Hosanna means "save, rescue, savior". That's exactly what Jesus had in mind. Those who were praising him were expecting him to destroy Rome and set up his kingdom on this earth. Jesus knew that his mission included his sacrifice on the cross. He certainly came to save humanity from their sins by surrendering himself as a sacrifice for sin. It was not what the crowd expected but it is what they needed. It is what we needed. They were shouting praise to him and laying down their coats and palm branches on the road before him. Praise is what Christ deserves. What is inhibiting your praise? Could it be that pride, fear, doubt, materialism/idolatry, sin or other worldly things are keeping you from giving Christ the praise He deserves? Maybe you should lay them down before Him. The King is coming!
In the book of Joshua we see several spectacular victories: The parting of the Jordan River and the victory over Jericho. But in Chapter 7 we see a humiliating defeat at Ai. It was a part of God’s plan to give Ai to Israel, but it would not be easy to recover lost ground.
There were certain strategies and principles that Joshua used to recover lost ground. Let’s look at these strategies today and apply them to the areas of defeat in our lives.
An examination of the transforming power of the resurrection of Christ. The real evidence of His resurrection changes the beliveres perception of Life, death and eternity. The Hope that the resurrection brings creates tremendous peace in turbulent times and provides the beliver with a powerful tesitmony to share with those who are without hope.
A student is someone who learns what their teacher knows; a disciple becomes what their master is. There is a great search going on today. Jesus is searching for those who would commit to becoming His disciples. Becoming a true disciple of Christ is to Dare to die. Dare to die to ones self will surrendering our lives to Him and becoming living sacrifices.
Text: John 12:23-26
Daring to die brings:
Just a few months ago our world changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Like Israel in Joshua 3:1-4 we "have not passed this way before". During these unprecedented times we face a transition that can be a bit unsettling as we enter the unknown with many unanswered questions. We can look at how Israel managed this transition and learn from their victories and mistakes.
Living Your Life In Control In An Out of Control World
Daniel 1:6 -2:45
There are many thing that happen in life that are out of control. All who live in this earth will face challenges and crisis at some point in time.
Daniel and his friends faced turmoil when they were taken as hostages from Jerusalem to Babylon. Daniel and his friends determined to live their lives in control in an out of control world.
Understanding and living in God's Will
Since the dawn of time, mankind has always had a desperate need to know the future. And since that time man has pretty much done anything within his power to figure that out, no matter how ridiculous it might seem. Some have used psychics, others have consulted Ouija boards, some read their horoscope every day. Let's examine how believers can Understand and live in God's will.
Scripture Text Isaiah 61:1-3
As Christians we have been appointed to wear a "garment of praise". In this world we face much difficulty especially now during this period of the COVID pandemic. But our Lord has come and brought good tidings to the poor, healed the brokenhearted, brought liberty and opened the prison to those who are bound! He has appointed us to wear the garment of Praise! We should praise Him for: Salvation, daily blessings & praise Him during difficult circumstances.
Memorial Day 2020 is a day when we morn the loss of those who fought for our freedoms as well as the loss of our civilian family members who have passed on. Every American should recognize this day out of their patriotic duty to his country. During the Covid pandemic we have experienced some restrictions that should cause us to recognize the freedoms we have taken for granted.
This sermon parallels our Memorial Day celebrations with the memorial day of Christ recognizing that for the Christian every Sunday is a day to memorialize Christ and what He has done to bring us freedom from the effects of sin. 1 Corinthians 11:24-29 is our text.
On Memorial Day we:
Morn the loss
Remember the lives
Are thankful for the sacrifice
If you were to evaluate your spirituality & your closeness to God, how would you rate it?” Now please be honest. The answer is just between you & God. And God will know whether you’re telling the truth or not.
Would you answer, “I believe in God with all my heart, & Jesus Christ is my Savior & Lord? I’ve committed myself to do the things He wants me to do. As a result, I feel at peace within, & at peace with others. I spend time pouring out my heart to Him in prayer, & in listening to Him by reading His Word. And I try to show my faith by what I do, & how I live before others.”
Or would you answer, “Well, you would probably rate me as being weak or even dead spiritually because I’m really not much interested in the things of God?
Then again, maybe you would answer, “I’m someplace in-between. I guess you would say I have one foot in the world & one foot in the church. I vacillate back & forth. When it’s appropriate to be seen as a Christian, then that’s what I am. Otherwise, I’m mostly like all the other people around me.”
In Romans 12:1-2 The Apostle Paul urges believers on the necessity of changing our hearts and minds. This Holy Spirit inspired transformation allows Christians to draw close to God and point others to Christ.
How can Dad's bless their children? In Isaac's blessing upon Jacob in Genesis 27 we find four ingredients to a great blessing that should be present in every home today. A loving touch, spoken message of affection and love, assurance of value and the affirmation of a glorious future.
The gospel is the good news of the coming Kingdom of God - that dynamic dimension of God's governing rule over His people. The New Testament places strong emphasis on the Kingdom of God. It was the message of John the Baptist, Jesus, the apostles and it should be the message of the Church. The message of the Kingdom should get our attention and motivate us to respond to Christ and the good news of His coming Kingdom.
On this weekend when we celebrate our Nation's independence it's time for us as a church to get on our knees before the only One who can deliver us from ourselves. The darkness in our society is increasing. The Lord is using the Church to hold back spirit of the anti-Christ from completely overtaking our culture. In Daniel chapter 9 we have a great example of how he prayed for his nation that was experiencing God's judgment. It is how we should respond to the moral decline and the our nation's turning their back on God. Daniel prayed:
With confidence in God's Word
Confessing the nations sins
Calling on God's mercy
There is a spirit of sin and lawlessness in our culture today. Jesus Christ is the ONLY answer
It is exciting to realize that we are privileged to live a the end of this dispensation when the conflict between Satan and his demons and Christ and His saints is fast moving toward a climax. The Word of God describes this period in the history of mankind as being in two different spheres, both critical. The two spheres are the World and the Church. We will examine these two spheres and determine how the Church needs to respond during these last days.
As a Christian it is only natural for us to have the desire to draw near to worship the Lord. The writer of Hebrews so perfectly describes why we now have the freedom to do so (draw near and worship). Because of their sin the Israelites had no desire to draw near to God. Their conscience was not clear. They wanted Moses to be their go between with God. After the law was given the priests began to be that go between offering sacrifices annually to make atonement for the sins of Israel. These sacrifices served only as an annual reminder of sin. These sacrifices did not take away the guilt. Thus, the worshipers could not draw near to God in full assurance like we can now. Christ has once and for all paid the debt that was owed. We can now draw near to God with confidence and full assurance of faith. Christ’s Spirit now draws us to the presence of God. We want to get close to Him. We want to enter His presence, and we can without fear!
In this passage we see the vision that was given to John and the directive to write what he has seen and heard and deliver it to the seven churches.
This message from Christ gives us all the more reason to worship Christ for who He is. This word that was given to the seven churches in Asia is also for our benefit.
Rebellions against Authority is rebellion against God. In Romans 13:1-7 Paul gives instruction on submitting to authority. Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit Paul wrote the words that establish that:
All authority is authorized by God
All Authority is "authorized ministry"
There are reasons why we should obey authority
Our text tells us about the grace of God and what it does for us.
1- The grace of God brings salvation
2- The grace of God teaches how to live
3- The grace of God gives hope
The Lord has given us His Word to point us toward Him in faith. We must not use Him as our "last resort". We should go to Him in faith first. This message looks at the story of Abraham in Genesis 22:1-18 and we see the:
Requirement of Faith, the Resolve of Faith and the Reward of Faith.
Christ as our Savior provides everthing needed for victorious living
This message speaks to three reasons He has sealed us with His Spirit.
1. He wants us always to be with Him. He wants our relation ship with Him to be intense and personal.
2. He wants to be with us all the time because He know we need Him. This is a hard world. His Spirit within us empowers us to face the challenges of this hard world.
3. He wanted to be inside us so that we'd realize our faith is more than a "religion". God places His Spirit within us so His Spirit could change us from the inside out.
Since the fall of mankind in the garden of Eden humanity has needed deliverance. We know that from before the beginning of time God has had a plan to deliver His people in to the safety of His arms. We see this plan being rehearsed throughout the scriptures. Noah was delivered through the flood, Abraham and his wife were delivered from childlessness to become father and mother of a nation. After worshiping false idols and turning their back on God Israel was delivered from the oppression of their enemies and brought back into their own land. God has made it possible through Jesus Christ for all of humanity to have an opportunity to be delivered from sin and eternity in hell. He has made the way for all who would trust Christ as Savior to live with Him in heaven for eternity. God provides this deliverance: through Promise Genesis 12:1-7, through Provision Genesis 37:1-11, through Protection Daniel 6 and through His Power Acts 16:25-34
We honor the veterans who served our country by enlisting in military service. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, National Guard, Coast Guard, now we have the Space Force. Our veterans have enabled us to continue to benefit from the freedoms we have in USA.
I think as well, we would be wise to remember the “good soldiers of Jesus Christ,” who paved the way for you and me in our Christian lives. Thank God for the good soldiers of Jesus Christ who have fought well, such as those who are mentioned in Hebrews 11.
We honor those who have been “good soldiers of Jesus Christ”. Those who have followed Christ, obeyed His calling through a life of discipline, and allowed Him to use them in Christian service discipling and mentoring others. This is what we are all called to do. To be good soldiers for Christ.
This sermon will highlight the characteristics of Good Soldiers of the Kingdom. A good soldier is:
A follower
A fighter
Familiar: with the enemies’ tactics, with the armory provided by the Lord, and with his comrades
The birth of Jesus is the most significant event in the history of humanity. God the Son consented to become a man and pass through all the stages of human development to save humanity from the destruction of sin. This event brought a group of pagan Magi or Wise Men in search of the King of the Jews. These Magi represent the hungry hearts of the gentile world who recognize the light of God revealed in nature. Romans 1:20 - "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse..."
Because Jesus is the King, He is worthy of our adoration and praise. We should recognize this now and always and see to lead sinners into Christ's kingdom. This message will review the following:
The King is born, The King is sought, The King is worshiped
As Christians our goal every year should be to draw closer to God and move more and more into the direction of His will. This goal can be realized by a daily commitment to draw near to God. How can I live closer to God? How can I abide in Christ?
As followers of Christ our goal in this new year should be to abide in Christ. When we abide in Him this passage tells us that we will Glorify the Lord by bearing fruit. This message speaks to doing just that; living in the New Year 2021 in a way that you abide in Christ and Glorify God by bearing much fruit
At the beginning of the New Year people evaluate their lives. Many Christians don't set goals for the New Year. Some may be content with where they are, some feel they can't get any better or some feel that there best days are behind them. God wants us to have dreams. Paul gives us insight on how to live out our dreams in Philippians 3:12-14.
A seed can’t grow to its’ potential unless it’s planted. Sitting on top of the soil won’t do it. Christ followers can’t grow to their potential unless they’re planted in church, not just attending.
When we are available to other it honors Christ. We must be approachable. This message answers the question: To whom must we be approachable.
A view of 4 obstacles that prevent us from seeing Jesus when He comes to us in the unexpected way, at the unexpected time.
In 1 Peter 1:3-9 Peter tells believers that God has given them all the provisions they need to help them face difficulty and trials in this life. God provides necessary provisions for surviving life in the real world. A living hope, an invaluable inheritance & a precious faith. These provisions produce "joy inexpressible". No matter what we face in this life, we can make it through difficulties by relying on the provisions give to us by the Lord.
God's Word (the seed) penetrates some soils and produces a harvest. Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23 gives us insight on how His Word is received or lost. In addition to how we can prepare our hearts to receive and produce a harvest for God's glory.
John gives us a clear command in 1 John 2:15-17. Do not love the world. The Greek word "kosmos" translated "world" in this passage refers to the world system under the influence of Satan. Christians must recognize the symptoms of the falling into the trap of this world system
Jesus is the promised light to the people who walked in darkness. The proclamation of the Good New of Christ transforms: souls, sicknesses & society.
We experience many storms in this life. Since the fall of man when sin entered into the world there has been turbulence in humanities journey in this world: Meteorological conditions, spiritual conditions, physical conditions, emotional conditions, political conditions, this earth is groaning with birth pains as we approach the end of this age. How do we respond to the very real storms that we encounter in this life? We can’t deny that they exist. We can’t ignore them a pretend they are not there. We cannot rely on our own strength and ingenuity to pull us through. Where do we go for help? We look to the Lord! He is in the boat. In a sense, we are all in the same boat and Jesus want’s to be invited into your boat. With Jesus in the boat we do not have to fear. In Mark 4:40 He asked them, “why are you so fearful?” (Fear – Greek/deilos – lack of faith) Jesus wants us to choose faith over fear.
Easter has come but it's not gone. Because of the Resurrection believers in Christ have every reason to be excited about what it means to be a part of the family of God. We have been delivered from sin and death! In John 11:25 Jesus says, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believed in Me, though he may die, he shall live."
Living in this victorious state we need to: realize the need for obedience, be reassured that God will provide, know that God will not give up on us, understand that he is ready to provide direction in our lives and that He is calling us to become fishers of men.
The Word of God informs us that we are to be good soldier. 2 Timothy 2:3 "Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus."
Studying God's Word: Produces Faith, Enhances the Sanctification process, Provides comfort, and supplies Guidance. Those who make Bible study a priority in life will benefit from the written Word of God.
David was on the run from the mad king Saul. A ragtag group of men begin joining him. They gathered at Adullam's cave for refuge. This is a picture of the church. God takes people from all walks of life, delivers them from the oppression of their sin, trains them to serve the King of kings and provides a cause for them to follow. We can be delivered from sin, anger and discontentment through following Christ.
Matthew 5:13-16 At the end of the Jesus' beatitudes sermon he states that believers are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We are the salt, the silent work of influence. We are the light, the visible manifestation of God for the world to see. In our culture filled with darkness the anointing of Christ will be the silent influence and our reflecting the light of Christ will be our testimony to the world declaring the lifechanging power of the Gospel.
We are not alone in this life. God is with through every stage and situation. He whispers to our hearts and encourages us through trials and tribulation. He takes the broken lives of humanity and makes something beautiful out of our lives as we commit to serving Him.
Sermon based on Psalm 107:1-32
We live in a sin sick world where there is much need of God's delivering power. Jesus has come to provide that deliverance to us. Our faith in Him and His work on the cross bring great deliverance.
A look at the unlimited power and work of the Holy Spirit as we examine the various works of the Holy Spirit that Jesus told us that He would accomplish in our lives for His glory.
In the book of Genesis we see that before the fall of mankind that Adam & Eve had perfect unity with the Lord. Until original sin occurred, they could enjoy being in God's presence. Sin disrupted that relationship and God's presence could not be enjoyed. Sin destabilized our relationship with God. Through Christ's death resurrection and ascension, we now have access to God's presence. Our relationship with God has been re-stabilized.
As we read through the book of Acts we see that the early believers were changed in such a way that their lives turned the world upside down and made much of the world today "right side up". The Holy Ghost empowered them to be witnesses as He transformed their lives. The Lord will "ignite" believers today as they are baptized in the Holy Ghost empowering them for service.
The story of the lepers in 2 Kings 7:1-20 shows the importance of Dining rather than doubting, Stepping out not sitting back, Giving and not gorging.
The Lord wants Christians to be city-takers for Him. Three ways we can do this: Envisioning, Invading & Enjoying - Act 18:1-11
Abrahams obedience to sacrifice his son Isaac foreshadowed the greater sacrifice that would occur on Mt. Moriah 2000 years later. It beckons us to surrender our lives in obedience to the Lord who has saved us from sin and death.
Hebrews 1:1-3 helps us elevate our perspective of Jesus so that any sense of lagging faith is renewed by a fresh understanding of the importance of Jesus.
The Bible teaches that a person can live a holy life through the indwelling, transformational power of the Holy Spirit. There are many who question this doctrine and believe that we must live in slavery to sin until we enter eternity. Paul's teaching clearly shows that allowing sin to govern our lives is not an option as a believer.
Why do people do evil things? People sin because they choose to put their own interests or egos above the interests, feelings, or lives of others.
Many people today are living in a fairy tale kind of life in the sense that they are oblivious to the spiritual world. They don't recognize what's going on and what is going to happen in this world. Many need a wake up call.
When a person receives the truth of the Gospel message and receives Christ as savior, repenting of sin, a great transformation begins. The Gospel transforms our past, present & future. Our past: Our sins are wiped away and we are no longer under the condemnation of sin. Our present: The sanctification/transformation that begins in when a person receives Christ as Savior is seen as the Holy Spirit enables us to live a life of righteousness and you can become the "God-wanted-me-to-be-this-way you.
Our future: One day believers will be physically changed prepared for our life in eternity in the place that Jesus has prepared for us.
When we reflect on the tragedy of 911 and look to the Word of God for wisdom we realize:
Death is Certainty
Final judgment is a reality
God's eternal salvation is a possibility
No matter the pressure we can trust God to provide what we need to make it through....
We are living in the most exciting time of human history. There is potential for millions of souls to be harvested into the Kingdom. Jesus' example of ministry to the Samaritan woman at the well is a good illustration of how we should share the Gospel with those around us. Sometimes we have to get out of our comfort zone to minister to the needs of those around us. The outcasts of our society are a part of the fields that are ready for harvest. We should look to those who are in our spears of influence and be prepared to share the good news of the Gospel with them.
The Harvest is ready. Jesus has given us a charge to preach the Gospel (good news) to the lost world. He has asked us to become a harvester, a laborer in the filed of this lost world.
As Christians die to sin, die to self and follow Christ's example we will produce a harvest of righteousness and win the lost for Christ.
God made a way for man to be reconciled to Himself by the sacrifice of His Son Jesus. Without the shedding of Christ blood we would have not forgiveness of sin and could not enter into God's family. Many ignore God's solution to their greatest need, many walk away from it but some will accept it and receive the blessing of eternal life through the blood of Christ. Romans 5:9 refers to the blood of Christ as the "justifying" blood; Colossians 1:20 calls it the peacemaking blood and Hebrews 13:12 refers to the blood of Christ as the sanctifying blood. God's answer to your greatest need has been provided. Will you receive this gift?
Millions around the world today will be celebrating Halloween. There is much darkness and fear associated with this holiday. I am not condemning those who celebrate this holiday, however, I would say that when we look at scripture, we see that our Lord appeared in order to defeat darkness. He has defeated the darkness caused by sin, defeated the darkness of fear and replaced it with faith and defeated the darkness of death.
We see in God’s Word the importance of supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit and the necessity of these gifts manifesting in the lives of believers. Believers who walk in obedience should expect the outbreak of spiritual gifts. The book of Acts describes the beginning of the church and is filled with accounts of the Holy Spirit manifesting in miraculous ways that propagate the gospel message. In Acts 6:1-7 the church needed men who were filled with the Spirit and wisdom.
Are supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit being manifested in your life? Have you struck spiritual oil? This messages addresses keys to unlocking the spiritual reserves in your life. Remember, the gifts of the Spirit are to be used to build up the church. They are not for drawing attention to individuals or their ministries but to glorify Christ. They will operate as we walk in obedience and love.
This Thanksgiving we need to be quick to give thanks to God and remember the good He has done in our lives and the good He has brought to His creation. We need to give thanks and remember: His Wonders, His Covenant, and His people.
The Lord has provided us with power for victory against internal and external influences and enemies.
Incarnation Truths Dec 12th 2021 Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Watch SermonImmanuel, "God With Us". The most blessed truth concerning Christ's birth is expressed in the fact that God left Heaven, became a man, lived a sinless life, died for our sins and is coming back to rule one day. This sermon explores: What Immanuel means, What Immanuel does for us & what Immanuel expects of us.
At the beginning of each new year most folks begin to look at the priorities in their life. We make resolutions and determine to change for the better. It’s like we have a clean slate, a new canvas and can start over. This is really a good thing. I hope in this new year that one of your priorities is to draw closer to God, grow in your relationship with Him and seek out His guidance as you set your priorities.
We live a life of faith when we continually look toward heaven as we face our earthly struggles.
The Bible clearly presents an wonderful story of God over the formless and void earth, creating, communicating, and proclaiming as ‘good’ all that is created. But it all springs from chaos …. how can we overcome the chaos of life to bring about a life that is characterized by beauty, love, and the presence of the Lord?
One of the most difficult scriptures in the Bible is this story of Abrahams obedience to sacrifice his only son in Genesis 22. We learn through this story that: 1 Obedience tests our faith 2 Faith in His promises gives birth to obedience 3 Faith in God's promised provision produces obedience.
We can overcome by obedience.
God's transformation of Jacob's life gives us a picture of redemption. Jacob was able to overcome his propensity to sin through the promise of God's blessing. We can overcome our sinful inclinations as we trust in the redemption that Christ brings into our lives.
We learn how Moses overcame reluctance by focusing on God's power. By focusing on God's power Moses was able to answer and fulfill his calling. We can answer and fulfill our calling as we trust in God's strength.
Israel was facing a food crisis in the middle of the desert. Their complaint was heard by God and He provided for them during this crisis. God allows us to face crisis so that He can show Himself strong on our behalf. As we face crisis we must: Read and apply His Word, Remember the Lord, Respond to His Glory and Rely upon the Lord.
Ezekiel's vision in ch 47 shows the progression of the believer as they draw closer to God and are empowered by His Spirit. This message encourages us to draw closer to the Lord as we yield ourselves to Him for His purpose.
With so many voices speaking into our lives we must be careful to make sure to listen to the most important voice. The voice of the Lord.
People judge by outward appearance but God looks at the heart. Sin corrupted mankind's heart and brought on separation from God and spiritual death. Through Christ our hearts can be redeemed and changed into a heart that reflects God's nature and allows us to develop a relationship with Him as we recognize the importance of cultivating a heart that is surrendered to God's purpose and plan. This message gives insight on how we can cultivate a heart for God.
No matter how strong we think we are, we will face battles of discouragement and our persistence will be challenged. Through our Lord we can find a pattern of persistence that will enable us to overcome.
Paul was an anointed witness. His life reflected a divine glow that captured and held the hearts and minds of his listeners. The anointing produced three things in Paul: A compelling message; a compelling manner & a compelling ministry. We are witnesses, commissioned to bring the lost to Christ.
As believers we go through all kinds of experiences in life. Victories & defeats, troubles & trials, problems & heartaches. Every time we turn a corner there is Christ and we get to know Him better as we face adversity and experience His power in our lives.
Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem provided an opportunity for the people to lift their voices in praise to God. His ultimate goal was not to save Israel from their current Roman oppressors but to save humanity from sin. Those who praised Him on during that triumphal entry did not realize that He was coming as the Lamb of God who would provide salvation for all who put their faith in Him. All who receive Christ as Savior and Lord repenting of sin will be saved..
The days following Jesus’ crucifixion must have been some of the darkest times for His followers. They had placed all their hope in Him, and now He was dead. They believed that He truly was the Messiah and that through His life, He would change the world. It was not until a woman named Mary went to visit the tomb that hope was restored. The tomb was empty, and Jesus had risen! All Mary wanted to do was to hold onto her Savior once she discovered the good news. However, Jesus was not done. He had to go to the Father in heaven and restore all that was broken by sin and make it right for good.
There are many decisions that are made in this life that can cause our relationships to suffer like Peter's denial of Christ. In and through the power of Christ, we have hope. This messages highlights the following: 1. Our lives can be confirmation of denial of our connection to Jesus. 2. Jesus' grace restores our hope. 3. Love for Jesus is proven by a life for Jesus.
The final prayer that Jesus prayed is not just for His disciples, it is for anyone who would believe in Him one day. People like you and me. His prayer is a request that His followers would be one, as He and the Father are one. When we experience the unity that Christ prayed for we see that:
The love of God unites all believers
We need to work towards unity
We can do more together that we can apart
Prayer was an integral part of the life of Christ and as followers of Christ we are called to follow the powerful example of our King.
The Bible is God's Word given to us to equip and encourage us for living in this world and preparing us for eternity. Spending intentional time reading and meditating on scripture is the daily sustenance we need as followers of Christ.
When we come to God and confess our sins, we will be forgiven and experience freedom and joy. Confession is more than just saying sorry, it is letting go of our sin and transgression and putting it into the hands of God. Confession brings healing and freedom.
God has created us with good works in mind. Our purpose is to fulfill the call to do good works. God will provide opportunities for us to serve. We must overcome objections to this call. As we serve, Jesus will be glorified.
For many, Godly values are learned through the family relationships we experience. The Lord empowers believers to be a Godly influence in the lives of those within our sphere of influence. He wants to use us to minister to those around us and influence them to become a part of the Kingdom of God.
Week one of the sermon series /Fatih & Works - based on the book of James. Week 1 - Testing & Persevering
Believers are to both hear (receive) the Word and act upon it. The person who both listens and responds with action is blessed.
Apparently, whatever was going on in this early church community was wearing on James. Maybe he was tired of trying to inspire people to action? Maybe his congregation was too comfortable in their orthodoxy? Maybe he felt what we’ve all felt at some point, that he wanted to see faith move people.
Waiting on God and praying in faith are two of the most powerful actions a believer can take.
Christ brought peace with God through His death and resurrection for those who confess and believe in Him. However, following Christ is also very costly. I means division from the things of the world. And that division is seen in every earthly relationship from immediate family members to friends and acquaintances.
Romans 1:18-25
God has made Himself known to all of humankind. However many have chosen idols like money, fame, success, sex and substance. This has resulted in disconnection from God. We cannot save ourselves from this fallen state. We need a Savior.
It is by grace and through faith that we find our rescue from sin. Jesus Christ died for us in order to lift this burden from our shoulders and make us right with God. This, all while we were still sinners and broken. We have been given this hope and it will not disappoint.
The pursuit of righteousness begins with dying to our old way of life. It calls for a daily decision to say no to the things we should say no to, and saying yes to the things we should say yes to. We must remember that the Christian life is not a sprint but a marathon and that once we surrender to Christ we have the power of the Holy Spirit to help us Pursue Righteousness.
God has chosen us to be His special possession. His is the potter, we are the clay. We are wise to let Him shape us into the people He wants us to be. Since He has chosen us, let us accept His choice, receive the gift of salvation, and surrender to His purpose and plan for our lives.
Paul changes gears in chapter 12 from teaching the doctrine of Christian faith to the duty of Christian faith. When we continue to say "no" to the world and "yes" to the will of God our lives we become a living sacrifice as God's transforms us into His image.
Among the 8 million people living on the earth there are many who choose to participate in spiritual darkness and live without knowing Christ as Lord. Jesus has come to illuminate the darkness and deliver us from being slaves to darkness and sin.
The spiritual light of Christ is an everyday reality for believers. Scripture tells us the the Bible itself, the Word of God, is a light for usin this dark world. It is critical we understand how important the Word of God is and realize how important it is for us to become students of the Word/Bible.
Jesus calls us to be people of the light. He makes it clear that what we take in through our eyes will either provide light or darkness to our bodies and souls. This message reviews the rhythm's of life that can enable the light of Christ to flood our lives and enable us to share this light with the world.
As believers experience the Light of Christ it is important that we keep the light burning day in and day out. This message examines three things that will assist the believer in keeping the light of Christ burning bright.
Hell is a real place and there are real people that end up there. There is also a very real path to avoid hell, and that's through Jesus Christ. In whom we have hope, rest and peace.
Jesus was always seeking those who were trapped in darkness & sin. Some of those He delivered were being oppressed and some were the oppressors. He found them and gave them what they needed to be set free.
Faith guides our worship, our obedience, our lives, and makes us pleasing to God. Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
One of the characteristics of a believer is having a thankful heart. Not just on Thanksgiving day but always. We are blessed and should give thanks always.
In Isaiah 9:2 God was offering hope to His people by promising a "light" that would come to expel darkness. God will one day restore this world back to the original world He intended when He made Heaven & Earth. That is our hope. This hope will effect how we live now as week look to the Promise of eternity. This hope is birthed out of deep longings and desperate need and is based on the revelation of Jesus Christ. Put your hope in Him this Christmas season and experience the hope, peace, joy and love of the season.
The Promise - Week 2 / Peace Dec 4th 2022 Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Watch SermonThe Promise - Week 3 The promise of Joy Dec 11, 2022 Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Watch SermonGod’s promise in Isaiah is that He would come to dwell with His people and rescue them. This is fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ, who is known as Immanuel, God with us. Jesus made a great sacrifice, giving up the splendors of heaven to come to earth. But He did more than just live among us. Because of His great love, He provided a way for us to have eternal life. His mother, Mary, displayed great love in humbly surrendering to the plan of God. Jesus became the Savior of the world.
A New Year's resolution that we can remember. It is broad and very general: Let's promise ourselves & God that we will make a change for the better. Three recommendations that will help facilitate this:
Develop a positive outlook toward life, toward the church and toward people.
The seed of the Gospel is perfect and available to all. It's ability to take root and grow when planted is dependent on the condition of the "soil" of one's heart.
The growth of a Christian is complex and involves many change agents like God’s Word, fellowship with other believers, personal prayer and worship. These things are all very important, but they only serve to set up fertile soil in a Christians heart. The growth comes from God and his exclusive work in our lives. Similar to the part a farmer plays in growing a crop, he tills the soil, he plants the seed, he waters the seed, but God is the one who causes the growth. When we do what we can do to create an environment for growth, then God’s work in our lives can take root.
A natural part of our relationship with God is the process of pruning. Just as a plant is healthier after pruning and has revitalized growth, so a Christian experiences growth when unhealthy areas of their lives are trimmed or thinned. Though this process can be painful in the moment, the outcome is divine and beautiful. As a follower of Jesus we must see God’s work in our lives as something that has our best in mind and his glory at stake.
God is the master gardener, whose ultimate goal is to produce a great harvest in and through each and every person. There is a harvest of spiritual fruit that can be developed in the life of the believer. There is also a harvest of souls that will be the result of God's work in the individual.
New Testament Revival begins with believers. Believers obeying Christ's command, seeking unity of spirit & purpose and a new awareness of God's presence.
To be successful harvesters of the lost, we must begin by planting the gospel into the lives of people who are not followers of Christ. The most practical ways we can do this is by being a witness.
In Matthew 5 we find the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus gives the Beatitudes and we learn that the blessings of the Kingdom are not just for those with the power or position, but they are available for the meek, the broken-hearted, the gentle, the persecuted, the peacemaker… They are available for all of us, because all of us need Jesus. He makes a new way for all to be saved and to experience the manifold blessings of God.
The Way - Week 2 / Light the Way Feb 26th 2023 Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Watch SermonThe Way - Week 3 / Keep the Way / March 5th 2023 Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Watch SermonThe Way - Week 4 / He is The Way / March 12th 2023 Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Watch SermonGod so loves the entire world and does not want to condemn it, so he sends Jesus as an atoning sacrifice. God’s motivation to send Jesus was fueled by love. And Jesus’ ministry here on earth, all the way up to His death on the cross, was fueled by the same unconditional and all-powerful love.
What is the most valuable thing you have ever given away? Our Savior gave up His position in heaven to come to earth to live as a human and die as a sacrifice for our sins. He chose humility, and living to serve others and offered up His life as a ransom for many. It was because of this act of love that caused Him to be given the name above all names.
Sometimes it’s hard to keep our eyes focused on Jesus. But, we must never grow tired of following Christ because He is the one who perfects our faith. It was this joy that caused Him to endure the cross without giving up. He knew his death would give us new life.
The soldiers could not stop him. The crowds could not stop him. The nails could not stop him. Even the grave could not hold him. Jesus overcame it all and was resurrected from the dead. As followers of Christ, we identify with his death, as we give up our old lives and identify with his resurrection as we embrace his Spirit living in us and look to the hope of eternity living in completely transformed bodies!
Are you READY!? The most important aspect of being ready is having a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. We do not know when He will return, but one day He will. We must all take an honest assessment of our hearts and lives and ask ourselves if we have placed our faith, hope, and trust in Jesus and the saving work He did on the cross. Once we make this decision, we don’t have to be afraid of anything that might come our way.
We have an amazing responsibility as followers of Jesus to be quick to share the hope that we have with others. When we have internalized our love for God and given Him the proper place in our hearts, we can respond to others with gentleness and respect, trusting that God will make himself known to them. To internalize His word there must be room in our hearts. The question is, “what resides in our hearts?” We must prepare our hearts and live ready to share the hope we have in Christ.
The world needs genuine followers of Christ who are ready to respond when we see and experience darkness & injustices in the world. Life comes at us fast, and often we don’t have time to think before we respond. We need to be ready to react from a place of deep faith and strong convictions. Keep an eye out for darkness in the world that is in need of light.
Prayer is not the least we can do; prayer is the best we can do. May we be quick to respond to the brokenness of our world with targeted prayer and powerful faith. With thankfulness in our hearts that God hears the prayers of His people, we must be quick to bring our concerns to Him.
As a Christian it is only natural for us to have the desire to draw near to worship the Lord. The writer of Hebrews so perfectly describes why we now have the freedom to do so (“opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body”).
In Acts 2 we see the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Church. This was the beginning of a great harvest of souls that is still going on today. The outpouring of the Spirit on that day empowered believers to boldly share the Good News of Salvation through Christ alone. From that day until now, believers worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth. The gifts and operating of the Spirit in our lives and worship services as we fulfill the Great Commission is the fulfillment of God's Word not the ideas or workings of man.
What is holding you back from excelling in your faith and walking in the freedom that Christ brings? In the book of Acts, we see the story of a handful of disciples who turn the world upside down with the message of love, forgiveness, and salvation through Christ. The very final word that the writer of Acts penned, leaves us with the greatest clue for how to live as followers of Christ in the modern world. “Unhindered” (See Acts 28:30-31) This may be the last word of Acts but it’s the first word for those who put their hope, faith, and trust in the risen King Jesus.
Forgiveness of sin used to come through the sacrificial system as described in the Old Testament. But Jesus changed everything, and now, through His single sacrifice on the cross, forgiveness is available to all who confess and believe. There is no longer any hindrance or obstacle to forgiveness and salvation. Unhindered forgiveness.
The Holy Spirit is the main “power source” of Christians. The Spirit, the third person of the trinity, He is a multi-functional, multi-faceted wonder that is an imperative component to living an empowered and unhindered life in Christ. In the Spirit we have, among many other things; strength to share, strength to persevere, and strength to love.
In the New Testament we see that the gospel is for everyone. There’s no partiality, bias, or hindrance to who can receive the good news that forgiveness of sin and eternal life are available to all through Christ. Isaiah prophesied about this reality in the Old Testament, and Jesus fulfilled it in the New. “For all the promises of God find their ‘YES!’ in Christ.” (2 Cor. 1:20)
For followers of Christ, faith is the air we breathe. Faith makes up the atmosphere of the kingdom. And Jesus encourages us that even the tiniest mustard seed of faith is capable of monumental things.
This is the great lesson of Philippians chapter 1: individually—and as a community—we can demonstrate that God is in control by living as if God is in control. Our actions become the message. Our lives—individually and corporately—become the Good News. We can demonstrate to the watching world that we confidently believe God is in control.
This week, we turn our attention to Philippians chapter 2 and discover that Jesus is our model for living in troubled times. His model is not only praiseworthy or notable; it is accessible for us. Paul challenges us to live up to the example Jesus set. And we can do it!
In week three we will look at chapter 3 of the letter, where we see that the apostle Paul is also a model for us in learning what it means to endure suffering & hardship. Suffering and hardship should come as no surprise to us. Perhaps we cannot explain the meaning of suffering philosophically, but we can go through hard times in a Christlike manner.
A look at the fourth and final chapter of this great letter. Our topic is: learning how to deal with tough times by living a life of generous friendship. As we look at this fourth chapter, I think we can discover four points on the benefits of living in generous relationship with one another.
The command, fear not, appears in one form or another 365 times from Genesis to Revelation. It is specifically given to dozens of different individuals and/or groups in a variety of circumstances. It’s abundantly clear that God doesn’t want His people to fear in the face of adversity or decision. To put it another way, we’ve been given a different, fear not, exhortation for every single day of the year. With such a clear daily prescription from the creator of the universe, why do we so often respond in fear? What can we do about this and is there a better way?
Many of us don’t ever stop to think about how we hold onto fear (and anxiety) throughout the day instead of immediately giving it all back to God. Paul encourages us to live free from fear and anxiety by having a more faithful response to fear and placing them into the hands of God.
Most of the unhealthy fears we face are related to the future. One thing to note about the future is that it is uncertain. This fact can cause us to be anxious about the future. But we serve a God who knows about the future, and He is not alarmed by it and is very much in control of it. This should bring great comfort and peace. That’s why today’s message is: Focused on today. Our concern and energy can be wasted on worrying about the future. The Lord teaches us in Matthew 6 to focus our energy on the day in front of us and not worry about the future.
There are times we will experience defeat and discouragement. There are other times and seasons where we’ll have great growth and depth in our faith. As the journey of sanctification ebbs and flows, we know that Jesus stays the same. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is always with you on the journey, you’re not alone.
Since the advent of the Church, there have been people who have tried to spread false teachings about what it means to be the people of God. Paul considered these hollow and deceptive. He warned Christians to be careful what they believed to be true. He encouraged them to stand firm on the simple truths of the Gospel.
Collide / Week 2 / Be Transformed / Sept 17th 2023 Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Watch SermonTruth is in short supply within our world. The word of God gives us all of the truth we need to live a full life in Christ. We should keep these truths and consider them wisdom, instruction, and insight for our lives. No matter what we do, we cannot lose truth. Truth is our bedrock, it is the foundation that we stand on. Jesus is truth and His Word is truth.
In His Words / Week 1 / I Am The Bread of Life / Oct 8th 2023 Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Watch SermonWe live in a world that is shrouded in darkness. This darkness causes us to stumble around at times and can effect our lives in a negative way. In order to be able to see things clearly, we need to have light that exposes all of the dangers and temptations around us. In Jesus’ own words we find that he is the only true source of light that can guide us into eternal life now and forever.
The Bible teaches that there is only one way to God and that is through Jesus. Like a door, Jesus is the way we access the grace of God and eternal life available to us. Like any entrance, however, we must receive the invitation and walk through in faith.
Jesus does not just offer us the promise of eternal life one day after we die. He offers us the strength and power to sustain us in the present. In His own words, Jesus tells us that he is a vine and we are the branches. When we remain connected to Him, we receive all of the power and strength necessary to produce wonderful fruit with and through our lives.
As we look around at the events taking place in our world today, I am sure many are wondering:
1. What is God up to right now? And…
2. Are we living in what the Bible calls “The Last Days”? And…
3. If we are in the Last Days, what should I do?
The Bible says that on the day Jesus returns, all of us who know Him are going to be caught up in it. Paul uses the phrase "caught up" to describe what happens to believers when Jesus returns. Let's take a deeper look at the events associated with the end times.
One day Jesus is going to remove the church from this world. What will that be like for us?
The book of Revelation provides much detail of the Tribulation but its major purpose is to reveal Jesus to us.
We can all think of events in our lives that could be described as our "best days". However, the Scriptures teach us that as believers, our best days are ahead of us! The Millennial Reign of Christ will be one of those times.
Final sermon in the Return of the King series, summarizing the end times and learning about the New Heaven and New Earth
We have been given this new year. We will be responsible for making decisions concerning every aspect of our lives. If you are a mom, dad or guardian of a child or adolescent, not only are your tasked with making decisions that will affect your personal life, but you are also responsible for making decisions that will affect those who are under your care & supervision. Oh, how we need God’s wisdom!
When we put the things of God first in our lives, the other things fall into proper order. However, when we prioritize earthly things, we find ourselves anxious and full of worry. God helps us have better priorities.
Week 2 / Better Relationships - Jan 21st 2024 Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Watch SermonEvery choice we make in life has consequences. We must use wisdom that is given to us by God to choose wisely. That all begins with a fear of God. This fear is a reverence and respect for Holy God, but that fear can mature into a deep and abiding trust. Ultimately it is our trust in God that helps us make better choices.
God has given us the opportunity to share His love with the world. In order to do so, we must always be ready to give witness to Jesus through word and deed. We are called to live lives that are worthy of the Lord and share the message of redemption through His life, death and resurrection.
As the people of Israel gathered for the feast of Passover, Feast of Harvest, and the Feast of Tabernacles, no one was to come empty handed. They came prepared to give.
Many people of God come to the assembly not looking for something to get, but something to give. They are prayed up, ready to Praise and worship, prepared to tithe and to be a blessing to someone. These types of worshipers enrich the Church greatly!
700 years before Jesus of Nazareth came to earth, the Prophet Isaiah recorded 24 predictions about Him.
Twenty-four, that all came true. – What are the odds?
The first major prophecy He fulfilled during His final 36 hours was… He remained silent, refusing to defend Himself while on trial for things He did not do. What are the odds an innocent person would not even attempt to defend themselves against such serious accusations?
The story of Jesus begins with a humble birth: it’s in a stable, not a home, not an inn, not a hospital. And this birth is attended by shepherds, the working class, not the upper class.
So maybe it shouldn’t be surprising that when Jesus died, He died with the lowest class. What are the odds and why did it happen this way?
Isaiah, writing 700 years before the birth of Jesus, predicted not only His death, but that in His death, He would act in a lamb-like manner. What are the odds?
A walk through the days before the final days leading up to the Resurrection. Because this weekend marks the beginning of what many in the Church call Holy Week.
Today being Resurrection Sunday, we’re not going to talk about 48 prophecies, we’re just going to talk about the great prophecy: Jesus’ Resurrection from the dead.
Jesus shared clearly in the parable of the soils that there is only one soil you want to be on. As Jesus followers, we want to be on the fruitful & good soil but honestly, to often we better identify with the thorns. We will look at how this isn’t just a “next best” option for life, but rather that the two soils are the difference between death and life for you and generations to come.
The first habit of a disciple maker (someone living in that 4th Soil) is a vibrant prayer life. Whether you are a prayer warrior already or you struggle to keep your mind focused while blessing the meal, God will meet you where you’re at. Disciple Making is a spiritual activity that the devil doesn’t like and our greatest weapons are the Word of God and prayer. Today we will learn some practical prayer habits that are the first step from moving from the thorns of busyness to the fruitful good soil that produces a harvest.
Changing Soils Week 3 / Engaging the Lost May 5th 2024 Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Watch SermonToday we will be learning what to do once you’ve found someone to disciple. We will study the relationship between Jesus and Peter as an example to follow by looking at several interactions between them. There is not one single way to make a disciple but there are specific things we must do if our disciples will become disciple makers themselves.
Reviewing the importance of making disciples that become disciple makers. This has been the pattern that Jesus gave the first Church and should be ours as we work to follow the Great Commission.
Paul’s letter to Timothy have become instructions to us on how to become an effective Christian. Paul’s words to Timothy were filled with principles and sound, proven advice on how Timothy could be the most effective leader and Christian he could be. Like Timothy, we are currently taking our turn at running with the torch of the gospel of Christ. We need to hear Paul’s words and apply them to our lives so that we can be effective in our service to God.
The Day of Pentecost ushered in a significant transformation, altering the perception of God's relationship with His people. In previous scriptures, encounters with God were often depicted as momentary and intense. However, with the advent of the Holy Spirit, there was a profound shift. God's presence became a permanent fixture, residing within His people through the indwelling of His Spirit.
Jesus enters the temple court, confronts the money changers, makes a whip out of cords, and drives out the animals. In this prophetic action, Jesus disrupts the old system of death and sacrifice, and signals the new system of love and mercy is on its way. Jesus is the final sacrifice. As followers of Jesus we must never settle for dead religion but learn to live daily in the abundance of God’s life-giving, self-giving love.
The United States of America is a blessed nation. The reason for the great blessings that have been bestowed on this nation is that it began by revering God’s Word and recognizing the value of basing our government on Judeo Christian beliefs. One of the most needy mission fields today lies between the east and west borders of this nation. It is because this nation has forgotten the importance of God’s Word.
If this nation is to experience the greatness that it once possessed it will have to repent and return to the God of the Bible. We must find and embrace the Word of God and make it the basis for our lives.
Hurricane Beryl was certainly an impressive storm. In the book of Acts we read of a storm that Paul experienced. This was a storm that Paul would have liked to have avoided but was forced to participate in due to his being in chains for the Gospel. This side of heaven is filled with the storms of life. We all experience storms that affect our plans and purpose. Sometimes we may even ask God, why am I going through this storm?
Let’s take a look at four types of storms that blow into our lives and their purpose.
As Christians, we are deeply loved children of God! We have nothing to fear because God is with us, and we have nothing to prove because His love sets us free from the need to constantly seek approval and recognition from others.
In response to God’s great love, we learn to purify ourselves by saying “no” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live uprightly by loving others the way Jesus loves us.
God loves us with self-giving, life-giving, courageous love! And that love overflows from our hearts into the lives of those around us, if we are doing it right! To love others courageously means we lay down our lives, our agendas, and our schedules to meet their needs. Those who love courageously are moved to compassion rather than closing off their hearts. And this courageous love we receive from the Father never runs dry because he has given us His Spirit.
We can love others no matter what because we have an unending source of love within us, the Holy Spirit. God’s core nature is self-giving love, according to John the apostle, who lived with Jesus and was an eyewitness to the cross and resurrection. God is love. Love is always the right response. And we will be a church who loves others no matter what.
A look at how we can see the Gospel in the book of Nehemiah. We actually see it throughout the entire Old and New Testament but let’s look at Nehemiah 3 and discover the roadmap of the Gospel as the walls are being rebuilt in the City of David.
Isaiah’s writings to the children of Israel came at a bleak period of their history. They are in captivity, they have lost everything they thought they would keep forever, and they were home sick for the land and the blessing God had promised them.
As believers we’re not in captivity but it certainly seems we are living in a strange land – Much of the culture we see today seems very pagan. How do we cope? How do we stay on track with the purpose and vision of the Lord in these strange times? How do we renew our interests in the things of God? If you are not a believer, God is calling you to Himself as He was calling Israel to repent, turn to Him and benefit from His great mercy. As a believer God has great plans for your future.
God is more concerned for our holiness than he is for our comfort.
If we think being a Christian means that God will make us comfortable, then we will stumble when we enter into his process of sanctification, which always involves suffering.
Joseph's journey gives us incredible insight into the tension between God’s Promise and God’s Process. Understanding this tension will enable us to accept God’s process, so that we can achieve God’s outcome in our character.
Today we are going to talk about Perfection, which is the goal of God’s Process in our lives. We know that God is “conforming us into the image of Christ,” but what does that actually look like? In the story of Joseph, we get an amazing example.
Lift your chin. You are a king, a queen, a priest. Live like you are on the winning team, even when it looks like you are losing. Breathe deeply of the goodness of God, and breathe out, relax your shoulders, and let Him parade you through wind and rain and sunny days, making a triumphal procession out of your life.
The two elements of Penitence are sorrow and change.
It's the goodness of God that leads us to repentance.
We must learn not to resist engaging with the trauma we have caused, and the trauma that has been done to us by other sinners. We are both perpetrators and victims, and God has work to do inside of us in both areas.
What is God’s Provision for his children?
How good are God’s intentions? Too good to be true?
What is God ultimately doing with His family?
What keeps us from embracing the fullness of God’s Peace?
The subject that dominated Jesus’ teaching was The Kingdom of God. And the place where he taught about it most succinctly was the Sermon on the Mount. In this short talk, Jesus outlined everything we need to know about living a blessed life.
The American evangelical church has created a 'salvation culture' but not a 'gospel culture.' Evangelicals have reduced the gospel to the message of personal salvation, when what is needed is a rediscovery of the message Jesus taught—the Gospel of the Kingdom. The Gospel of the Kingdom teaches that salvation leads to a transformed life. God loves us too much to leave us in the state where He found us.
Jesus calls us to a lifestyle of goodness. This goodness may or may not be seen by those around us and we should not perform goodness to be seen by others but by an audience of One, The Lord.
The Good Life that Jesus invites us into encompasses everything; our values, our relationships, our sense of life’s purpose and goals, etc. And it certainly touches on economics, the way we relate to money.
Living in the Kingdom of God will have very practical applications in our relationships with others. Those who follow Jesus and are a part of His Kingdom should stand out as a group of people who treat others differently than the world does.
The Good Life in God’s Kingdom presents us with choices in every area of life. Following Jesus is not a one-time decision, but a daily one for the rest of our lives.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus offered his most complete teaching on how to live a Kingdom kind of life. Perhaps the most striking thing about this life—the one word that best summarizes its characteristics—is counter-cultural.
A Question for the Christmas Season: What is God up to? That’s a “waiting” question, an “expectation” question. We know he’s up to something, he’s preparing something, he’s getting ready to do something. What is it?
The long awaited arrival of Jesus changed the course of human history forever. Using the birth stories of Jesus in Matthew chapter 1 and Luke 2 we learn that Jesus’ arrival was no accident. He is the fulfillment of promise, prophecy, and prayer to a weary world in desperate need of a savior.
When you are building a life of faith you must put first things first.
Jesus often gives commands that seem backwards from anything we hear elsewhere in the world around us. As part of His famous 3-step command to living life, Jesus first says that we must be people who deny ourselves. This doesn’t mean that we mope around in life having no fun. Instead, Jesus is calling us to give up our old ways of doing things and enter into the abundant life of Christ. Which involves dying to self.
Jesus gives us a certain picture here in this second command. He says that we are to take up our cross. Jesus is using this statement metaphorically to illustrate some powerful truths. This sermon unpacks the truth about taking up your cross. Taking up our own cross means…
Our task this week is to answer the question: what happens when we decide to follow Jesus? And if we answer that question; we will experience what it means to go All In for Jesus.
The commands of Jesus that we have studied up until this week are meaningless if we don’t understand the repercussions of them. Namely, Jesus wants us to follow Him and do things His way so that we can be sent into the world, now that He is back in heaven. He has left us His Holy Spirit to guide us into the broken world around us. Therefore, if we want to go All In for Jesus, we must live the commission He has left us with.